Sunday 21 August 2016


    Merdeka Day celebrations and hoisting of the Jalur Gemilang (National flag)
    National and State Flags
  • If the national flag is fixed at home, it is to be raised pointing towards the road.
  • If the national flag is put in a group of flags with state and private company flags, the Malaysian flag must be raised in between two flags and its pole placed higher than the rest. The State flag is on the right while the company flag is on the left....stand behind the flags then you will see it.
    Car Display
  • Only VIP's can display the national flag in the centre front of the bonnet.
  • We ordinary folks display the national flag on the driver side while the state flag is on the front passenger side.
    That is the ''proper'' way to display our flags....
    Just remember this easy way.....put the flag IN FRONT of you.
    The right side is for the ''more important prominent'' flag.
    The left side is for the ''less important quite prominent'' flag.
    But then again...raising the flag, which ever position as long as it is not upside down or reversed, is all that really matters